Everything about Kukur Tihar in Nepal 2023: A Unique Dog Festival

Everything about Kukur Tihar in Nepal 2023: A Unique Dog Festival

Everything about Kukur Tihar in Nepal 2023: A Unique Dog Festival

Kukur Tihar in Nepal: A Celebration of Canine Companions

Nepal, a land known for its vibrant culture and diverse traditions, boasts a unique festival that warms the hearts of people worldwide. Kukur Tihar, also known as 'The Festival of Dogs' is a special occasion dedicated to honoring our four-legged friends. In this blog, we delve into the history, rituals and significance of Kukur (Dog) Tihar, a celebration that showcases the profound bond between humans and dogs.

The History of Kukur Tihar

Kukur Tihar finds its roots in Hindu mythology. According to legend, dogs hold a special place in the heart of the gods. It is believed that Yama, the god of death has a guard dog named 'Shyam' who guards the gates of the afterlife. By celebrating dogs during Kukur Tihar, people express their reverence for these loyal animals and seek blessings for their well-being.

The Rituals of Kukur Tihar

Kukur Tihar is a multi-day festival that typically falls in October or November, coinciding with the larger Hindu festival of Tihar. In 2023 Year, . it can be celebrated either in October or November according to the Western Calendar. Expected Dates are 10th to 14th November 2023. During this time, streets and homes across Nepal come alive with vibrant decorations, colorful marigold garlands and oil lamps that illuminate the surroundings.

Kukur Tihar in Nepal Celebrating Man's Best Friend in a Unique Festival

The key rituals of Kukur Tihar include:

  • Day 1 - Kag Tihar: On the first day, the crow considered a messenger of death is honored. People offer food to crows to seek protection from untimely death.
  • Day 2 - Kukur Tihar: The second day is entirely dedicated to dogs. Pet dogs, street dogs and even stray dogs receive special treatment. Their foreheads are adorned with vermilion (a symbol of good luck), marigold garlands and tika (a colored mark), they are fed delicious meals. The tika symbolizes the gratitude and blessings bestowed upon them.
  • Day 3 - Gai Tihar and Laxmi Puja: On this day, cows are venerated for their role in agriculture. In the evening, the goddess of wealth Laxmi is worshiped to invite prosperity into homes.
  • Day 4 - Govardhan Puja and Mha Puja: The fourth day is marked by the worship of oxen and the celebration of the self.
  • Day 5 - Bhai Tika: The final day is dedicated to the bond between siblings. Brothers and sisters come together for rituals that reinforce their love and affection for each other.

Significance of Kukur Tihar

Kukur Tihar holds profound significance in Nepali culture. Dogs, often called 'Kukur' in Nepali, are considered loyal and protective companions. They play a vital role in the lives of many Nepali families, whether as working dogs, guardians or beloved pets. Kukur Tihar is a time to express gratitude and respect for these animals, recognizing their loyalty and unwavering friendship.


Kukur Tihar is a beautiful celebration that showcases the unique bond between humans and dogs. It goes beyond the conventional notion of festivals and highlights the deep connection between people and their furry companions. As you witness the vibrant celebrations of Kukur Tihar in Nepal, you'll undoubtedly feel the warmth and love shared between man and his best friend, THE DOG.

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