Missing dog. Responds to nibbler

List ID: 58

Missing dog. Responds to nibbler

Category: Pets

Reward: ₹20,000

Updated on: 05 Sep 2023

  • Pet type : Dog
  • Breed : Labrador
  • Pet Name : Nibbler
  • Pet Colour : Light Brown
  • Age (Years): 8
  • Gender : Female
  • Tag/Collar : No
  • Unique Identification : Between her toes, she has a small black spot and she had a small rash which left a bald spot
  • Last Seen Date : Not available
  • Am a : Not available
  • Reporter Name : Not available
  • Contact no. : Login to see

Last Seen:

R.K Puram sector 5, New Delhi, Delhi

Please help me find my dog. Her name is nibbler and she’s about 8 years old. She was last seen in R k Puram sector 5. 

Her her nose is light Pinkish with a mole and Between her toes, she has a small black spot and she had a small rash which left a bald spot

She’s extremely friendly and knows her way home. I’m fearing the worst. Please help


Dog Missing (Not available)

8 Year old, Light Brown Female Labrador

Missing dog. Responds to nibbler

fooundit.com | ID : 58

Reward : ₹20,000
Missing from R.K Puram sector 5, New Delhi, Delhi
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