Pet dog found in Inderlok Metro Station

List ID: 222

Pet dog found in Inderlok Metro Station

Category: Pets

Updated on: 11 Oct 2023

  • Pet type : Dog
  • Breed : PitBull
  • Pet Name : N/A
  • Pet Colour : White-Brown Mix
  • Age (Years): 2
  • Gender : N/A
  • Tag/Collar : Yes
  • Unique Identification : Red color collar
  • Last Seen Date : 09.10.2023
  • Am a : Other
  • Reporter Name : Madhulika Upadhyay
  • Contact no. : Login to see

Last Seen:

Inderlok Metro Station, New Delhi, Delhi

Found a 2-year-old PitBull with a white-brown mix patches wearing a red collar at Inderlok Metro Station, New Delhi. Last seen on 09.10.2023. For more details, please contact .

Dog Found (09.10.2023)

2 Year old, White-Brown Mix N/A PitBull

Pet dog found in Inderlok Metro Station | ID : 222

Found from Inderlok Metro Station, New Delhi, Delhi
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