My sister Helen Medina has been missing and was last seen in Worcester MA

List ID: 394

My sister Helen Medina has been missing and was last seen in Worcester MA

Category: People

Updated on: 31 Oct 2023

  • Name : Helen Medina
  • Gender : Female
  • Body Color : Fair
  • Hair Colour : Blonde
  • Body Build : Regular
  • Age (Years Old): 23
  • Height (Cm): 161.5
  • Weight (Kg): 53
  • Eyes Colour : Brown
  • Unique Identification : Dimple on Cheeks, Scar on her left eyebro and left hip
  • Missing Report/FIR no. : N/A
  • Contact Person : Damarys Martinez
  • Relation : Sister
  • Contact Person no. : Login to see
  • Last Seen Date : 17.10.2023

Last Seen:

Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts

My sister Helen Medina has been missing since October 17th. She was last seen in Worcester MA after being discharged from the hospital for behavioral medicine in Worcester. Helen is a vulnerable individual and is not in the right state of mind. Please help me find my baby sister.

Missing (17.10.2023)

23 Year old, Fair Female

My sister Helen Medina has been missing and was last seen in Worcester MA | ID : 394

Missing from Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts
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