How to Keep Your Dog Calm and Safe During Fireworks and Diwali

How to Keep Your Dog Calm and Safe During Fireworks and Diwali

How to Keep Your Dog Calm and Safe During Fireworks and Diwali

Fireworks and Diwali celebrations can be a source of joy for us, but for our furry friends, they often bring fear and anxiety. The loud noises, bright lights and unusual activities can cause extreme stress to dogs . As a responsible pet owner, it's essential to take steps to keep your canine companion calm and safe during these festivities.

In this blog, we'll explore a range of strategies and tips to ensure your dog's well-being during fireworks and Diwali.

Prepare Ahead of Time:

  • Plan in advance for your dog's comfort during Diwali and fireworks displays.
  • Consult your veterinarian for advice on anti-anxiety medications if your dog has severe anxiety issues.

Create a Safe Haven:

  • Set up a cozy, quiet space in your home where your dog can retreat to when they feel anxious.
  • Use familiar bedding and toys to make this space comforting.

Desensitize Your Dog:

Gradually expose your dog to recorded firework sounds at a low volume, gradually increasing it over time to help desensitize them.

Exercise Your Dog:

Ensure your dog gets plenty of exercise during the day to help tire them out, making it easier for them to relax at night.

Keep Them Indoors:

During Diwali and fireworks displays, keep your dog indoors to prevent them from running away or getting injured.

Use White Noise or Music:

Play calming music or white noise in the background to mask the sound of fireworks.

Thunder Shirts and Wraps:

Consider using anxiety-reducing garments like Thunder Shirts or wraps that provide gentle, constant pressure to help soothe your dog.

Behavior Training:

Enroll your dog in behavior training to help them become less reactive to loud noises.

Calming Supplements:

Consult your veterinarian about using natural calming supplements like CBD oil or herbal remedies to reduce anxiety.

Stay Calm:

Dogs can pick up on your emotions, so try to stay calm and relaxed during the celebrations to reassure your pet.


Ensure your dog has proper identification, such as a collar with an updated ID tag and a microchip, in case they escape. if they escape, make a quick listing on . You can follow our guide to make quick listing.

Avoid Feeding Table Scraps:

Keep your dog on their regular diet and avoid feeding them table scraps, especially during Diwali feasts.

Consult a Professional:

If your dog's anxiety is severe or persists, consult a professional dog trainer or a veterinary behaviorist for guidance.


With a little preparation and care, you can make Diwali and fireworks displays less stressful for your beloved dog. Remember to create a safe haven, desensitize your dog and provide comfort through calming techniques. By following these tips and putting your pet's well-being first, you can ensure that both you and your furry friend enjoy the festivities safely and happily.

By incorporating these strategies, you can provide a pet-friendly Diwali celebration that ensures your dog's comfort and happiness throughout the festivities. Don't let anxiety dampen the joy of these special occasions for your four-legged family member!

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